About This Site
The top level of the Andrews University web site is designed and maintained by the Office of Integrated Marketing & Communication. For information about the planning and design of the top level of this web site, please visit Roadmap, a site that showcases the University's public web site projects. Roadmap also contains answers to common questions related to the strategy and management of the public site.
Other parts of the Andrews University web site are designed and maintained by various offices, academic departments, and organizations.
General Comments, Suggestions, and Feedback
Please e-mail web-comments@swissabc.net with any comments or suggestions about the top level sections of this website.
Reporting a technical problem
To report a broken link or other technical problem with the top level of this web site, please e-mail web@swissabc.net.
To report a technical problem with a web site that belongs to an individual department or organization, please contact that department or organization directly.
To report other computer or network problems, please contact ITS Client Services at 269-471-6016.
Web policies and guidelines
For information about web policies and guidelines that govern the material on Andrews University web sites, please refer to the Andrews University Web Policy.
Web publishing
For instructions related to creating new web sites on the Andrews University web server, please contact the Web Communications Manager. All Andrews University web sites should be designed in accordance with the guidelines outlined by the Web Communications Manager.
For information about other computing related policies at Andrews University, please refer to the Information Technology Services website.